About Me

I was not always a "good student." In fact, I spent many years trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do. I went to college because only because I knew that I didn't want to work retail anymore. In those days, mediocre students still had that option. In college, I enrolled in a women's studies course because everything else was full and the class looked interesting. From the first night in seminar, I knew what I wanted to do with my life. 
            As an undergraduate and a graduate student, I was lucky enough to have professors who took the time to really teach and mentor me. They helped me fill in the gaps of knowledge and skill and pushed me to be better than I thought I could be. In my career as a teacher, I've tried to model myself after them.  
            I've been enormously lucky--both professionally and personally. Not only do I have a job I love, but an amazing husband, two great kids, and two crazy dogs. Because of them, there is never a dull or boring moment in my life. Sometimes I win grants or awards, and while it is gratifying to have the approbation of my peers, my best praise always comes from my kids. I am totally gratified when they tell me that I'm "not like the other moms." 

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